So here we are, just 5 days after the 9th anniversary of September 11th, 2001.
I was sitting here, just enjoying my lunch (chick-fil-a's christian chicken nuggets with ranch!
MMM!) when I got an email from my pal Sally McMackmy, and it said Wynonna Judd had lost 60 lbs!
Now, first of all, y'all need to understand, I am the LARGEST Wynonna fan this side of the international date line. I'd take her over that no talent twat of a sister "Assley" ANY day of the week.
But gosh I have always admired her. She had done so much with the body and facial structure that the good lord gave her. But what kept it all together was the dang MEAT on her BONES! I mean really, if you got a dang cube head you gotta soften the freakin' edges. It's damn geometry! That is just the way I have always felt about ladies with blunt features.
Well... I took a look at the email, and gosh. I just cannot believe it. All I can think is DANG DANG DANG. What is she DOING!?
Doesn't she realize that with the weight loss plus the tan, plus the eye brow plucking, teeth, and hair that looks like a halloween store wig,
she now looks like some tranny trying to
be Wynonna?!
If you have any rug rats around, you may want to blindfold them or poke them in the eye or something.
Me personally, I felt like my boy Jarvis was ready to see it. YOUR CALL!
I'm sorry! But Mrs. Judd, you have crossed the line. You have betrayed your fellow fatties. And god has cursed you with an even uglier body!
But I cannot stay mad forever. I will
NEVER FORGET the Wynonna we USED to know.
The one who liked to laugh while eating. And sing while eating. And even eat while eating.
What happened to the Wynonna I knew?
What happened to this: or this:
She is dead. But I know her soul will live on.
Let us remember the real Wynonna, not her imposter.
1964 - 2010 |